Día de Independencia

Tuesday, October 1, 2013 | |

A couple of weeks ago, I returned to DF for el Día de Independencia, a national holiday that commemorates (you guessed it) Mexico's independence from Spain. Eugenia (remember, the fantastic woman who was my surrogate mother/older sister when I lived in Tijuana) got me in touch with her family in Mexico City and they graciously invited me to spend the holiday with them.

I spent most of the day chatting with Eugenia's mom and watching her cook (and making Eugenia's niece very suspicious with my guera face, of course) and then we sat down to dinner around 6. I loved the pozole and pambazos (a sort of fried sandwich stuffed with chorizo and potatoes.) I didn't quite love the pata de puerco (literal translation: pig's claw, very weirdly gelatinous) but you've got to try everything once, right?

We spent the rest of the night talking and drinking sotol and setting off fireworks and then we watched the Grito de Dolores - a reenactment of the yell/declaration that started the Mexican War of Independence - on TV (you can check it out here, if you're curious.)

The next day, we headed into the centro to watch the Independence parade, which turned out to be a two hour glorification of all things military. I got a little tired of all the brass buttons and guns after awhile but it was generally fun and with some warm horchata and a guajolota (a tamal Mexico City-style, eaten like a sandwich between pieces of bread), who was I to complain?

(Please take note of the tortilladora military truck... only in Mexico.)

And so I celebrated my first holiday in Mexico. Next up, Día de Muertos, which I'm hoping to spend in Michoacan... keep your fingers crossed for me!

(More photos here.)


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