Taking to the Streets

Monday, September 30, 2013 | |

A few weeks ago, Lydia and I were on our way to check out the local library when we happened upon a huge rally for the Antorchista Movement. Not knowing anything about Antorchistas, I tried to ask a few people what it was and their responses were generally something like "what isn't Anthorchista?" (Impassioned protestors are not always the best people to ask for a succinct explanation of their cause.) I ended up learning a little bit more about the movement on its website; you can check it out here.

On my way home, I found myself in the middle of their huge demonstration. There were apparently more than 60,000 people participating in it and I was just astonished by its magnitude. I watching the whole procession from the end of my street; it took about an hour for everyone to pass through. A few people were laughing at my photo-and-video-taking, so I explained to them how rare it is for something like this to happen in the US. I have no idea how effective their demonstration proved to be and I'm still a little fuzzy on their platform, but I was inspired by the grassroots-ness of it all. Politics in Mexican are certainly somewhat different from politics back home...


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