Week 1 - Mexico City

Monday, September 30, 2013 | |

A few days ago, one of my friends told me that my blog was weak. This is my attempt to correct that by quickly catching you all up on the past month and a half.

My first week here in Mexico, I had Fulbright orientation in Mexico City (aka DF.) Most of our days were filled with meet-and-greets, state department lectures, and weird cocktail hours at the ambassador's residence, but I did manage to squeeze in a little sightseeing here and there.

Walking around the city:


A visit to the Palacio Nacional to see some of Diego Rivera's murals:

La Casa Azul, Frida Kahlo's house:

Chapultepec, Mexico City's Central Park:

Museo de Arte Moderno, temporary exhibit by Alfonso Mena:

Museo Nacional de Antropología (does the temporary exhibit look familiar?):

(You can see more photos here.)

Of course, there's plenty more to see in Mexico City, but that's all I was able to get to during my first visit; before I knew it, I was being shipped off to Toluca (I wish I had a photo of our first meeting with our mentors before each of the 25 of us ETAs headed to our placement cities - a  quasi-ceremony complete with lots of clapping and handmade flags with our names on them.) Luckily, Toluca is only a short bus ride away from DF, so expect more Mexico City adventures in the future!


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